Lonely Hearts Club Band levyn kansikuva kuvauksista Chelsea Manor Studiosin tiloissa 30. maaliskuuta 1967

Kuvassa vielä Mahatma Gandhi joka poistettiin lopullisesta versiosta koska levyä ei olisi muuten julkaistu Intiassa.

Lisäksi on näyttelijä Leo Gorcey joka kuitenkin poistettiin kun näyttelijän mallin läsnäolosta pyydettiin 400$.


Cover photos filming for the Lonely Hearts Club Band album by Chelsea Manor Studios on March 30, 1967.

This photo include next people wicht excluded from the finally cover:

Mahatma Gandhi – was modelled and originally included to the right of Lewis Carroll, but was subsequently removed. According to McCartney, "Gandhi also had to go because the head of EMI, Sir Joe Lockwood, said that in India they wouldn't allow the record to be printed".

Leo Gorcey – was modelled and originally included to the left of Huntz Hall, but was subsequently removed when a fee of $400 was requested for the use of the actor's likeness.


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Tarjouksen määrä Päivä Aika
200,00€ 30.01.2022 13:03
190,00€ 30.01.2022 13:04
170,00€ 30.01.2022 13:04
150,00€ 30.01.2022 13:03
130,00€ 30.01.2022 13:03
110,00€ 30.01.2022 12:47
100,00€ 30.01.2022 11:50
10,00€ 30.01.2022 11:45
5,00€ 30.01.2022 11:43